
We’re building memes! Each meme will get its own page; a link to the article, essay, Pure Love advertisement, or etc; and a few thoughts. We’ll organize them into categories on this page.

Meme Categories

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About Bartleby’s Meme Factory

Bartleby Willard, Pure Love tycoon, not born rich, but fictional and thus eternal and blessed like the gods, so you can’t really call him a self-made man. Bartleby Willard, Pure Love entrepreneur, is dabbling in meme production.

Bartleby Willard’s International Meme Factory overlooks the billowing freshwater spray of Lake Erie, arguably the Greatest of all lakes. There a fictional staff of hearty souls night and day break their backs over a cauldron of swirling ideas.

Hurry Bartleby! Churn out the memes before OSHA discovers the long-term physical and psychological effects of breathing thought-fumes day in and night out!

Mighty Capitalist: B. Willard
Eager Production Supervisor: A. Whistletown
Money-Grubbing Copyright: AM Watson

We’d be glad if you’d:
Pretend to purchase Pure Love from us (see the main page of this website);
or Buy a Book.
(Titles so far: Superhero Novella, A Readable Reader, First Loves, and First Essays)
Or consider
a Pure Love T-Shirt (or other memento)
or Greeting Card
from our Zazzle Store.
Tip (Revised), or Tip (Original), or “Tip” (aka: “Buy Pure Love!”),
or perhaps “Tip” after reading a long ad for Pure Love / essay about the evils of advertising [ad/essay also available in A Readable Reader, First Essays, & First Loves (Buy the Books!)].
Or Join our Mailing List!

[Logbook Chapters]