A new birthday card:

Then: “How about the infiniti of the primes?”
And this proof:
Infinitely many prime numbers exist.
Suppose p1=2 < p2 = 3 < … < pr were all the primes that exist || Then imagine a number P = [(p1 * p2.. .pr – 1 * pr) + 1]. If it is a prime, we’ve proved our theorem. So for now, we’ll assume it isn’t. || Then let pa be a prime that evenly divides (ie: divides without a remainder) P. [All non-primes can be broken down into primes; so if P is not a prime, it has to be evenly divisible by prime numbers.] || Now pa can’t be any of the primes p1, p2, …, pr. [To see why: Suppose, for example, pa = p2 Then—remembering that P = [(p1 * p2.. .pr – 1 * pr) + 1]—, [(p1 * p2.. .pr-21 * pr) + 1 ]/p2 = [(p1 * .. .pr- – 1 * pr) + 1, which means that there’s a remainder of 1, so pa didn’t evenly divide P after all.]
Therefore, pa would have to be a prime number not included in p1, p2, …, pr; from which it follows p1, p2, …, pr wouldn’t be all of the primes. So there indeed infinitely many prime numbers.
And on the back, these credits:
The image is “The Ladies Waldegrave” (1780-1) by Joshua Reynolds.
The proof was built from versions from Chris Caldewell of UT Martin (https://primes.utm.edu/notes/proofs/infinite/euclids.html) and from Peter Alfred of the Unversity of Utah (https://www.math.utah.edu/~pa/math/q2.html)
This card’s webpage is https://www.pureloveshop.com/2018/12/17/birthday-card-infinite-of-primes
It’s author is Bartleby Willard
Bartleby’s sites: From-Bartleby.com (upcoming book: “Love at a Reasonable Price, Vol 1: First Loves”; PureLoveShop.com (business of Pure Love); LanguagesAndLiteratue.com (literary studies
Copyright on the copyrightable aspects: AM Watson
Card available in the Birthday Card Dept of our Zazzle Store.
Our first book, “Love at a Reasonable Price Volume 1: First Loves” will be available Spring 2017 at From-Bartleby.com.