This is the Something Deeperist Christmas
“A Very Something Deeperist Christmas!” Card
What happened when? Who was born where? Who said what? Who died where? What happened next?
Let’s not quibble over merely historical details.
Our intellects cannot scrute them, and our hearts cannot hold them.
Let us instead know what we Know:
It matters what we say and do;
We are all in this together;
Goodness is Real;
The Path Foward is Aware, Clear, Honest, Competent, Kind, Joyful, Selfless Thought and Action.
It’s Christmas again; the years roll ‘round so fast; I wish you from the bottom of my achin’ heart
A Very Merry Shared Joy
Cover Image: Christmas Eve chromolithography published 1880 by J Hoover of Joseph C. Hoover & Son (the suckers went and died; that’s where we moved in!)
Bored Lonesome Broken-Down Text: Bartleby Willard
Copyright: Andrew Mackenzie Watson 2018
A Christmas card that points out what we all know:
We don’t know all the details, but we do know that we are all in this together and it matters what we say and do!
Critical Review:
Well, it makes a good case for Something Deeperism: our minds and hearts can’t understand these historical and super-historical accounts of gods and demons; but we can get enough of a deeper sense to know we are all in this together and the path forward is aware, clear, honest, competent, kind, joyful thought and action.
How does it hold up as a Christmas card? Is it flippant? Is it offensive? Even if it isn’t, does it connect the sender and receiver in a caring, friendly togetherness? Or does it show off the author’s preach and preen? Is this a card or an essay? Is this an act of friendship or a headstand?
To consider purchasing this and whatever else cards we come up with, please visit:
Pure Love Industries” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>PL Industries
This Logbook becomes a chapter book at Logbook of a Pure Love Mogul: Chapters
Author: Bartleby Willard
Editor: Amble Whistletown
Copyright: AM Watson